Successful New Beginnings

Join us at the New Beginnings workshop on May 5
Father and son fishing on the lake and baiting a hook.

Photo by Christine Booth / Pexels

My grandfather taught me to cast a deep-sea rod and reel when I was twelve. The rod and reel were large, the line and sinker were heavy, and the hook was big. When I finally mastered casting, my grandfather rewarded me with my very own deep-sea rod and reel.

A few weeks later, I decided to take my deep-sea rod and reel and go trout fishing. Unfortunately, the line was too thick, the sinker too heavy, and the hook too big. I kept casting and waiting for my first catch as those to my left and right caught fish. Finally, an older gentleman asked if I wanted some help. He explained that I needed a thinner line, smaller weight, and hook. He tied on some thinner line to my thick line, put a smaller weight and hook, and even shared some salmon eggs. He then helped me cast just a few feet out from the shore. Within minutes, I hauled in my first trout.

I thanked him for the help and offered to give him money for the line, sinker, hook, and bait. He refused any money and asked me to pass it on when I met someone who needed help. I will never forget how bad I felt watching everyone else catch fish and how thankful I felt for the man who took the time to help me catch my first trout.

After the disciples had been out all night and had never caught a single fish, Jesus suggested they cast their nets on the other side. Even though the disciples were skeptical, they were willing to try another way, and they caught a boatload of fish. Because there were so many fish, they needed to enlist others to help them.

Today, many churches are struggling to reach out and help people discover God’s love and grace. Church members and pastors feel like they have done everything they can and have given up. Sometimes, church members and ministers must begin listening and learning to help each other. Rather than give up, we must look for new ways to reach our neighbors.

That is why The Academy for Small Membership Church Ministries has set up the New Beginnings workshop. We – pastors, church members, district superintendents, and conference support staff – can’t make a church thrive when going alone. The church thrives when pastors, church members, and sometimes, with support from their bishop, district superintendent, and support staff all work together.

The New Beginnings workshop will help you and your church develop a plan to build the foundation for your church to thrive as you begin your journey together in your new appointment.

The New Beginnings workshop is designed to help new pastors and churches receiving a new pastor to build the church community through:

  1. Prayer, worship, and study.
  2. Small and large group activities that build relationships.
  3. Understanding the context and people they want to reach.
  4. Developing a vision, mission, and goals that will guide their work together and help the church to thrive.

You are invited to sign up and attend the New Beginnings workshop, May 5, 2024, 3-5 p.m.

To register, go to the New Beginnings workshop page.