Two loaves of round bread from a wood-fired oven in the background, on a wood bread board held by person in a blue plaid shirt

Hearing and Living God's Call to Share With Others... Through Presence and Compassion

We love to talk about being in the church and helping our brothers and sisters with physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. However, we don't take our discipleship with us when we leave the church.

Ocean water between two steep mountains under a dark, starry sky showing the Milky Way

Hearing and Living God's Call to Discipleship ... Let Us Not Just Raise Our Hand but Be a Disciple

Every day, we witness our words and actions. Sometimes making disciples happens when we listen to others, and at other times, we make disciples by sharing a kind word, warm smile, or act of kindness. Each one of us has a "Ministry of Presence."

three friends seated around a low table outside, chatting, smiling, drinking tea

The Ministry of Presence Workshop

February 26, 2022, 9:00-11:30 am CST

“The Ministry of Presence” workshop, held via Zoom on February 26, 2022, 9:00-11:30 am CST, will help you and your church develop a lasting presence in your community.

Silhouette of nativity scene with Mary and Joseph kneeling next to Jesus in manger and shepherds standing outside the stable

The Who, What, When, Where, and Why of Christmas

We live in a society that moves ever closer to believing issues can be solved by a war of words, separatist ideologies, and the use of guns. At the same time, we claim to be a Christian nation, living out the principles of Jesus.

A woman  gazing at sunset from atop a high point; speech bubble says: "Is God calling me?"

Are You the One?

I wonder if you ever felt called to serve as a pastor and, for one of many “excellent reasons,” never acted on God’s call in your life. Some may ask, “How can I know that I am the one God is calling?”

Carl Ellis in his office; screenshot from video

The Academy for Small Membership Church Ministries' GoFundMe Campaign

In the next five years, we plan to train 60 laypersons to serve as pastors for small membership churches. In addition, we will work with the membership of 30 churches to help them develop a ministry of presence to their local community. Please donate to support this effort!